Resurgence is the sequel to the first 'Omens' level (PTMC Vesta Covert Facility) and includes the same Overload-style bots and weapons. With a fully fleshed out story, new environment sounds, full scripting, new bot variants and a completely new soundtrack to enjoy. Resurgence is not as big as the first level but it should prove entertaining. Supports both single and multiplayer co-op. (Version 1.1, Updated August 11th 2020)
Patch Notes:
* (1.1) Attempted to fix a fatal crash at the end of the level. Avoid using a framecamp above 60 FPS to avoid further crashes.
* (1.1) The doors to the boss room are now locked, as it was possible to break the boss by sniping the generators before entering.
* (1.1) Attmpted to fix a crash that was related to the Pyro pilots. Again, avoid using a high framecap to prevent this.
* (1.1) There was a graphical bug in the laser room. Hopefully this is fixed, but it seems fine on the GOG/Steam versions.
Check out the first level in this series by
clicking here.