ngtm1r wrote:
Matthew wrote:Does STEAM cost money to download or is it free?
What rock do you live under that you think the service itself would cost money to download?
A rock in which I heard you have to buy a game from steam i order to download it?

Matthew wrote:
ngtm1r wrote:
Matthew wrote:Does STEAM cost money to download or is it free?
What rock do you live under that you think the service itself would cost money to download?
A rock in which I heard you have to buy a game from steam i order to download it?
Steam is a supporting service* for the game, not the game itself... charging for Steam would be a bit like Amazon charging entry to their website

*it's a shop, but also provides functionality that can be integrated into the games upon it, ergo service.

Re: Sectorgame Steam Group

ngtm1r wrote:Does anyone on the Steam group not own Civilization V and want a copy? I just got one with my X-COM preorder, everyone I've directly asked already owns it.
I would say no and then yes, but I hate taking things without offering recompense. (seriously. I often don't even take free biscuits at conferences.)

So, er, if you don't find anyone else, you could hold onto it until Christmas or such and - if they have similar shenanigans as to last time - maybe I'll be able to offer a swap.

Re: Sectorgame Steam Group

ngtm1r wrote:Okay, I can apparently only give it to someone on my friends list, so aldo'll have to accept that invite.

Sorry aldo, I know how terrible it is to be associated with me. If you still want the game, anyways.
Thanks - I owe you one. Especially as it saved me succumbing to the 'buy new things' itch.

On that subject, what's on your wishlist?

Re: Sectorgame Steam Group

In all honesty I can't say there's anything on there I desperately want.

Currently it's got Strike Suit Zero, KSP, and the recent Duke Nukem 3D steam release. As well as Recettear/Chantelise since forever but those two have been there years; if I really wanted them I think I'd have bought them.

Oh, and the new Tomb Raider, but unless you can magically get it for under 30 bucks...
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