Thanks for your extensive feedback. Unfortunately nearly everything you brought up is not something I am going to address, as this project was a very painful one to work on and some things are just out of my 'time' budget. There just isn't enough interest in D3 to warrant the amount of work that went into this, but I may go back and adjust the lighting level. I don't believe the level is as dark as you seem to imply, I haven't had this feedback from anyone else. You could disable the fog, that might help, as this was an intended atmosphere. Please take a look at the screenshots here: <- Is this how dark it is for you? IF so, that is the intended look. If not, then maybe something else is amiss with different setups. This level was made for newer machines, not ideally suited to the older setups. This is mainly because I have no older machines
** No idea about the doors, they are new doors and thus look different from what you are used to seeing. I did the best I could with what limited resources I had at my disposal. The opening speed thing is simply because of the size (in testing, they looked stupid when opening faster). If you look closely, even the grey doors are twice the size of normal D3 doors. This is because even the smallest robots are very big compared with D3. The Triton is twice the size of a Thresher. This is the intended door size, speed and design. Are they ugly? Perhaps, but making door textures is a lot of work and doing everything yourself in a project like this was a mammoth task. Oh, and the fat doors in Level 2 Security are extremely slow by design. I figured this would irritate some people (especially speedrunners) BUT I went with this by choice, because level 2 security is a special research bunker etc etc. The level is not built for speedrunners, but I maintain it is still better suited than some of the original D3 levels which have long scripted sequences, unskippable cutscenes, etc. I am sure you can find a way to work around the doors... after all, they stay open for much longer than regular D3 doors. Also, try using the blue flare on them. They will stay open for MUCH Longer
** The music is the only one that Jerry Berlongieri could provide. I agree that it doesn't fit the level that well, but it grew on me, and so I went with it. Really, I'm not going to complain about getting new music for free from the original D3 composer. This is the only music I could get, and I think you'll gradually appreciate the music the more you play the level. Yes, perhaps some of the quiet areas could use quieter music, but there was no such music available.
** Enemies die in flames as intended. I didn't want them to be wibble-wobble like the D3 bots, and I dislike instant explosions. That's purely an aesthetic choice, and that is my choice to make and the one I will stick with. Animations are too much work to implement, besides they are based on OVERLOAD, which for the most part do not have any animations. It is a lot of work modding D3, animations are extremely time consuming and extremely buggy. Changing the original D3 assets is some of the most headache-inducing modding I've ever done in my life.
** The HUD icons are ugly mainly because the techniques used for creating them are somewhat obscure. I agree they aren't pretty, but that's because they are simply pictures of the weapon models. Unfortunately I don't have the time to curate the weapon icons like the original D3 designers. The only recommendation I can make is not to fly in cockpit view
** Weapon alpha effect is a glitch in D3. Not my department.
** Cargobay 4 cannot be opened with weapons. Working as intended (sorry...)
** Missing string error is a D3 problem due to the ammo amounts in the custom weapons. (It says this in the readme)
** Weapon names can be changed with a custom string, but this doesn't work in a custom mission, it can only work for the entire of D3 or not at all. In my Hyperspace levels (Basewars Redux and Silent Fury) there are custom hud names because it's much more of a total conversion - but you still have to move the string file yourself.
** The driller has very little kickback by design, since the bots are very fat and bulky (again, a design choice). This is pretty much as it works in OVERLOAD. This is all intended, since OMENS is kind of set in a pre-D3 era, before the faster and more sophisticated robots appear. I suppose you could say that is a story telling choice.
** Ships cannot be selected in D3 single missions. Not a glitch. Ships can only be selected after the first level in a campaign. D3 designers made it that way for some reason. Did you play other custom missions before.. ?
Apart from the lighting issue, pretty much none of those can be addressed. I will look into re-doing the lighting with a brighter pass through, BUT, only if I can confirm with other players the level is indeed too dark. Based on what I've played (on 3 different modern computer) it doesn't seem all that dark to me. Again, please check the screenshots. I'm not entirely sure if this is an issue or simply because of the classic Descent divide (D1/D2 <-> D3 fans..) of which Omens attempts to appeal to some respects.
Thankyou for your very prompt feedback!