So, I've been doing a B5 re-watch lately using the AI upscaled HD versions. Definitely getting pickier in my old age, starting to see the many cracks in the writing... though that may be due to that Junkyard reviewer nitpicking all the time (ah yes, because Trek is so much the 'superior show'... lol). Anyways, apparently B5 is getting a reboot? ... 235021237/
I was just thinking to myself the other day, maybe it's time for a reboot ....
But, uh... CW?
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#32Given that CW almost never cancels sci-fi shows, that could be a good thing.
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#33Let's just hope it doesn't end up like Arrow/Flash.
The Expanse. Watch it!
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#34I hope it explores new story and tries to avoid some of the crap Star Trek has fleshed out. I do have faith in JMS but we all know how networks act. If your gonna do that at least give me some alien on alien action - currently in Farscape season 4, and it's so slutty! I also don't wanna see a remake! It'd be hard to match the casting quality of the original Babylon 5. I think that chemistry is always difficult to create or replicate.Anyways, apparently B5 is getting a reboot?
I was just thinking to myself the other day, maybe it's time for a reboot ....
But, uh... CW?
CW, ahh venture between Viacom, UPN and Warner Bros - what could go wrong way too much political correctness or bitching going on in society atm.
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#35From what JMS has said, this is going to be a reboot in the same way BSG was. i.e same core idea - completely different storyline.
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#36Hey what's this, Farscape praise? Yeah season 4 is pretty wild & sexy. Gotta love S3's epicness though..
The Expanse. Watch it!
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#38It was an epic watch between Adama (Admiral), Sigh and Baltar. All I can remember is their alcohol stores never running out and Baltar proclaiming himself to be the next god, prophet or visionary with a never ending supply ofFrom what JMS has said, this is going to be a reboot in the same way BSG was. i.e same core idea - completely different storyline.
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#39What version of B5 should I consider watching? The fan up-scaled edition or warner bros remastered?
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#40Which fan upscale are you considering? I know a fan who is doing a great job but is only halfway through S1.
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#41No idea. Was thinking of just buying it on iTunes. On special for 40$aud. Complete TV series remastered for HD. A lot..lot cheaper than the TNG blu ray remaster at the time - that was a high quality remaster. But when you see some shows too often its just not that good but B5 is better than TNG by a mile!
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#42I have no idea what version I have - it was one I downloaded a few years ago now. I believe it was the first upscaled version released, before iTunes etc got onboard with the idea.
The Expanse. Watch it!
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#43Gone through just over a dozen eps in s1 and s2. Looks good on a 4k TV but it is 4:3 - CGI still crap though! BUT i came for the story..
Oh bollix! The widescreen non-cgi has extra scene material. Ahh!! ... raczynski/ ... _MA/videos
Oh bollix! The widescreen non-cgi has extra scene material. Ahh!! ... raczynski/ ... _MA/videos
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#44Strange that it's 4:3, is that somekind of VHS upscale? B5 was shot for widescreen after all.
The Expanse. Watch it!
Re: The random Babylon 5 vomiting thread
#45I imagine they cut information like they have previously cause like you said it was shot for widescreen but all the CGI is 4:3 nonetheless - still much better quality than the DVD release