Roanoke vs Freaky Wisdom Teeth

Went to dental hospital today for X-rays on my jaw with a view to removing my fubar wisdom teeth.

Seems I've got one on either side, on the lower jaw, coming through horizontally wtf
Not only that, but they're putting pressure on their neighbours (so to speak) causing premature rot there too (though one was removed around 2 years ago).

Going to hospital in a couple of weeks where I'm to be put under general anasthetic (aka sparked out) and have 'em removed.

I as so screwed. :|

My wisdom teeth havent sprouted yet. My mother didnt get them until late 20's, so i may follow suit.....
The earlier you get them out, the less painful it's gonna be.

I got them out same way, oral surgery instead of at the dentist's it's better that way, trust me. The pain isn't that serious with aspirin or other over-the-counter crap. Just enough to keep you awake really. 'course, I swore off Vicoden forever because of that. Didn't like how it made me feel. :p
A Numbered Existence
In The Service

I've got 3 out of 4 whizzys' grown. So far the only problem has been getting the side of one cut away to save the inside of my cheeks.

My wisdom teeth havent sprouted yet. My mother didnt get them until late 20's, so i may follow suit.....
The earlier you get them out, the less painful it's gonna be.

I got them out same way, oral surgery instead of at the dentist's it's better that way, trust me. The pain isn't that serious with aspirin or other over-the-counter crap. Just enough to keep you awake really. 'course, I swore off Vicoden forever because of that. Didn't like how it made me feel. :p

they were like we can do it now under local (ie still fully awake) or I can go to hospital in a couple of weeks and be sparked out under general anesthetic so I chickened out and went for the general. f### that.

I'd do the same.

I've gotta go see a dentist soon... but am afraid of what they are going to tell me. :(

I've acutally managed to lose my fillings out of one of my teeth, (prob why I'm so nuts - swollowed the filling crap) everytime I eat something sweet or cold it goes straight to that nerve ending... owy. :(
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My teeth are in good condition, aside from discoloured. Could use a good whitening product. My Dentist says there are no signs of wisdom teeth in my mouth yet. I'm hoping I'll get a pass, but I know I won't. How old are you?
The Expanse. Watch it!

I'm currently 21, turning 22 in January. :)

So what's the go with wisdom teeth, does everyone get them, do they always get taken out?
I've no real idea...
Well, essentially, when you get to the veteran age I am, small colonies of super-intelligent bacteria (bacterious madeupabitous - BM for short) form in the back of your mouth, forming white coral-like structures. These structures are named 'Wisdom' teeth, after their discoverer, Sir Norman Winston. Once completed, the BM develop a rudimentory technology from intecepting the odd bits of food from your mouth, and begin to develop a method to send radio waves directly into your brain. fortunately, no BM has yet developed precise brain control, and instead their broadcastings result in only minor changes such as a 20 point rise in IQ, super-speed, the ability to see through solid objects, shocking incontinence and laser-eyes.

In the event of overwhelming incompetence, a crack squad of really shrunken marines is sent in to remove the BM and plant really-tiny c4 charges to blow up the Wisdom teeth or, as they are known in times of war, Wisdom Fortresses.
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