I was put under IV sedation when I got all four of mine out, and I was in very little pain afterwards. Not even much swelling or bruising, either. (However, the 15-minute car ride from the surgeon's office to my house remains an utter blank.) I took a few doses of Percoset (a Vicodin equivalent...man, that **** messes you up...), but after that, regular Tylenol was more than enough. I think the key for me was using bags of frozen peas on either side of my face; they stay colder longer than an icepack, and they're perfect for conforming to the shape of your face. A little creative work with a piece of fabric meant that I could even keep them attached without having to hold them. :P

And no, before you ask, we didn't eat the peas afterwards. ;)
A.K.A. Mongoose, for you HLP denizens

crap it was just another consultation. That's the 3rd time now. D-Day proper is set for.........wait for it.........Nov29th ?? wtf

bad news is 'cos I'll be fully sedated there'll be no funny pills for me :(

I'm just gonna forget about for now.

I was supposed to have mine all removed before college, but i forgot.

Now all 4 have grown in like normal teeth (with the exception of i used to suddenly end up chewing on a severed chunk of gumms every so often).

Then again i'm at college so i havent bothered to take care of my teeth much. Yarr.

Know how you feel man, but beware, I was allright for a few days with just the general stuff like soreness, but 4 days after the operation I came down with a 104 temp, a killer headache and vomiting caused by a secondary infection, so watch yourself man.
The Only Thing faster than Lightning, is My Aim.

well I'm still alive. Sore 'n' stiff around the jaw but not too bad.
Ah, be careful - that could be a sign of Amazonian Blind Brainworms* heading for your lower colon.

*they're called Blind brainworms because they get easily lost

*they're called Blind brainworms because they get easily lost
and cause Amazon Maybe Arseworms just sounded wrong
is it who's been on the drugs or you guys ? :lol:

already on antibiotics BTW. Got 2 job interviews on thursday too!!

is it who's been on the drugs or you guys ? :lol:
From the way you're missing words out of your sentences, I'd say you :p
wow that was pretty fooked wasn't it ? I'm not to make any important decisions within the first 24 hrs don't forget.

jeez, my spelling is all over the place too.

is it who's been on the drugs or you guys ? :lol:
From the way you're missing words out of your sentences, I'd say you :p
wow that was pretty fooked wasn't it ? I'm not to make any important decisions within the first 24 hrs don't forget.
Yes, that is a sensible precaution. Now, as your doctor I'm afraid I'll need your housekeys, credit card details and lower intestine.
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