The Weak Arm or the Strong, What to Draw?

Total votes: 6 (67%)
MP3 Player
Total votes: 3 (33%)
Total votes: 9

Do you have an MP3 player currently? If so, I'd go for the sword.
My first Armageddon has died.

2005.11.25 06:22:57 combat Your Tachyon Beam Laser I perfectly strikes Ruined Stargate, wrecking for
733.8 damage.

Ya know, any sword costing less then 300 euro's/200 pounds would be useless in anything like fighting.

Buy an MP3 CD player. 700MB=11 hours onto one CD, easy navigating if you get a RioVolt thingy, and very easy to expand memory.

And for the most part, they're all made in Korea :p

My dad has a few *real* Wakisashis, and Katanas... locked up in his safe. Investments really, one is from the 1600's, the other is older.
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