Setting up again

Hello lurkers.

If you've managed to find your way back to Sectorgame, well good news - We're coming back! The bad news is I'm not finished yet. Right now I'm developing a new theme for the forum (and homepage) that probably won't be completed until the end of the year. So I decided I would at the very least restore the old forum database and get the software up and running. For those of you not in the know, phpbb 3.1 is still in the development stage so it's going to be a while before we get everything up and running again.

You may have also noticed I've changed the layout of the forums. This is due to the fact that I have plans for Sectorgame that don't really involve Freespace anymore, at least not as the sole focus of the site. You can find nearly all of the original topics posted here. For old projects (such as Twisted Infinities posts) you can find them under the Semi-Archived Content -> Freespace -> Archived Projects folder. These sections have all been locked. If you wish to re-open them just let me know.


With regards to other content at Sectorgame, such as Freespace 2 Sector, I will soon be retiring that website and replacing it with an archive of the content located there. A new blog will be created for the homepage of Sectorgame, and our primary focus will be on Space/Science Fiction games (both Indie and big-budget). Anyway - Stay tuned. This is the new 'working' version of the forum but it's still early days. The old one just decided to break down one day, and I couldn't get it to work again. Edit: Freespace Files has been launched. More info @ viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4891

For staff...

All former moderators still have global moderation status. In addition, the 'rants' section is still a private area. However this will change once we've sorted out the posts there.

Note to moderators: Please don't delete any threads without checking with me first. The correct method for clearing threads is to MOVE them to the 'STAFF' section below. Only delete spam threads such as kitchen offers. Thankyou!

Known Issues & Notes

1. Only some attachments will work. A great majority have been deleted.
2. Most usergroups are still functional, but access may be sketchy.
3. Old posts will eventually be sorted and locked.
4. The chat room/shoutbox will be restored soon.
5. Other features (such as the gallery) will not be brought back.
6. There have been reports of login issues and/or getting logged out. Please let me know if this happens.
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