Ok, so there are a few of you who are campaign leaders or whatever, but there are a lot who aren't. This thread is for a few things.

Either 1) What YOU would make a campaign of. It doesn't nesacarily have to be post-capella, but keep it Freespace. What part of the FS timeline/Universe would you explore? What would it be like, etc.

or 2) How would YOU end the FS story/timeline. Bassically, tell us what you think FS3 is/would be/will be/whatever. (could be FS4, FS9, whatever)

Project leads, if you don't want to give anything away from your campaigns, then just give a different timeline or campaign idea you've had (everyone has tons of those :p) or pimp your story.


May as well post my two pennies........ ;)

Time Frame: Post Chapella, about three (3) years.
Basic Plot: Standard-we-return-to-Sol,-fight-for-Sol,-Shivans-return-we-kick-ass story line, but with a few twists......
New equipment, some based on last generation (FS1), others new. Quite a few new factions, poltics, and changing battlelines/orders!
Would love to have a cliffhanger cutsence for a later chapter (looking like Chapter 5!! ), but would be near impossible to do.... :(
The Second Law of combat: talk (and walk) softly and carry a BIG gun.

You can NEVER have too many defences.

Time Frame: Shortly after the Capella incident

Plot: There is no GTVA out here - You are a mercenary pilot from the outer colonies, who soon becomes enrolled with the Sandwarriors clan, a group of political extremists who believe the GTVA have ignored the civilian colonies you were brought up in. They believe the GTVA had failed to respond to the request of aid during the second Shivan incursion - When a colony was destroyed along the borders of the great conflict. The clan become entrusted to protect what is theirs from any future threats - But soon your mission objectives change, and begin to show signs of coldness - Which is to attack a GTVA convoy. Will you chose to go with the terrorists, or find another way out before the madness of a civil war sets in?

Edit: Btw, Im not working on anything, this is just a response

Edited By Hunter on June 09 2003 at 19:16
The Expanse. Watch it!
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