Dev Documents: Backstory

Earth Alliance

The Earth Alliance is the hub of interstellar commerce, science and military in our small corner of the galaxy. After the discovery of the Ancient Stargates nearly 500 years ago – The knowledge of hyperspace travel was born, and an interstellar community would begin to flourish. Before the time of Hyperspace, ships were limited to travelling at the speed of light – And it would take years to reach the nearest stars. It took nearly a century for scientists to finally unlock the secrets behind the magnificent technological stargates, most of which were almost entirely dead without any power remaining. Little is known about the origins of the stargates, all that is known that an ancient race constructed them. As if by fate, fragments of the same material used to build the stargates were discovered on Mars – And dating put them at nearly 100,000 years old.

It wasn’t until much later that the Alliance finally began to build their own Stargate network – Utilizing the same basic underline technology as the original gates, these new gates would be intended only for explorer vessels, personnel craft, fighters and small cruisers.

The Alliance has had a turbulent history, but is always striving to resolve the inner struggles in hope for a better future. The inner planets of the Alliance are controlled by parliaments, whom are also responsible for the terraforming of worlds – From inhospitable barren rocks, to habitable lush worlds. This process takes several decades, and so the majority of colonies within the alliance are shielded environments, either in domes or planetary orbit.

Maltu Orion Legion

The Maltu Orion Legion controls several remote sectors of space, and are considered pirates by many in the Alliance - But, many worlds consider them an organization that provides essential supplies to growing colonies. The Maltu are on a neutral term with the Alliance, but they are very committed to protecting their assets and will defend them with everything they have.

The technology of the Maltu is considered equally as advanced as the Alliance, and most of their ships are essentially retrofitted Alliance designs. Some scientists within the legion were previously citizens of the Alliance, which is the reason behind their technological advancements. The origin of the Legion is a mystery to most people, but it is rumored they were once part of an Intelligence arm within the government, which later rebelled against the Alliance. Why, how - No one knows. All that is known, that one day an entire division within the Alliance just decided to pack their bags and leave for a new home, taking ships and equipment with them.

After failing to track them down for nearly ten years - It was, as if by accident, that someone discovered them on a regular planetary survey mission. The Alliance was swift to dispatch representatives to this newly discovered colony - Only to find a blockade upon their arrival, with the ultimatum to turn around or face death. The scars of the independence wars were still fresh - People were reluctant to spill any more blood, and so the Alliance gave up and disowned the former workers of a once prominent agency.

Gemini Syndicate

The Gemini Syndicate is a hardcore pirate organization who controls a single solar system on the edge of charted space. It is believed they have ventured further out, but no new stargates have been seen, nor have the syndicate ever built a stargate themselves. The Gemini lives mainly on space stations, but it is believed there are some civilian colonies in the system. The Syndicate was formed nearly 200 years ago, and is essentially the hub of the black market in the galaxy. The citizens of the syndicate are something of a mystery – It is as if a dark shadow is surrounding their very presence if you were ever unfortunate enough to meet one. It is both terrifying and sad, as if their souls had been taken from their bodies. No one has ever returned from syndicate space, and no one has ever survived an encounter with them face to face – Nor has anyone ever spoken with them. Fortunately, this does not hold true in interstellar combat – And while their ships are very impressive, both the Alliance and Maltu Legion are able to hold them off effectively.

The Syndicate utilizes projectile weaponry on all their ships, which has nearly been phased out in the Alliance due to the payload size that could otherwise be used for essential equipment. The Syndicate constructs their own interstellar craft - The materials used are common to the system they inhabit, but the sheer brilliance of the craft baffles Alliance scientists, who are unable to grasp how the Gemini Syndicate are able to build their ships - Which is the reason the Alliance hasn't done anything about the syndicate for nearly a hundred years, because both sides would take heavy losses in all out conflict. Predictions are still upheld though, that one day something will be done. It is said, that the reasons behind the syndicate’s impressive interstellar craft is a result of an outside force. Exactly what that means, is left to interpretation.
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