Dev Documents: Database - Objects (in "Genesis" on

Player Base Assets

Command Tower

Command Towers are essentially a base of operations for mobile outposts. These mobile setups are generally deployed by Carrier-class vessels, such as the Nova, over a period of about 24 hours. The outpost, and all of its components are stored in pods that are unpacked once they are deployed. The unique ability of such outposts is that they can be packed up again and moved elsewhere.

The functions of Command Outposts are to provide fleets and squadrons a means for supply and fuel. Also, outposts are able to monitor movements of interstellar craft within a four jump radius - And be fitted for numerous tasks, such as science, research or combat.

Command Outposts with rerouted powergrids designed for combat have enough firepower to take on hoards of opponents - But due to the remoteness of these outposts, such setups are rarely used.

Shield Generator

The shield generator is used to store energy that can be distributed between the structures configured to receive the energy it outputs. Anywhere from one to ten structures can be protected by a single generator, although in most cases a handful of generators are deployed to increase the strength of shielding.

Maintenance Platform

The maintenance hanger is an automated-dockable structure for any fighter sized craft. It is capable of receiving all known fighters in the universe, and can refuel and repair these ships. The energy reserves however, limit the amount that each fighter can be fueled.

Storage Platform

Storage hangers are typically used to facilitate in the production of sentry platforms. Using sophisticated matcens, the hanger will churn out platforms that can be stored in all fighter craft, and later deployed for defense of base assets.


It's a beacon.

Tracking Platform

Tracking platforms are essential for communication and logistics in places where there is few - or no - active equipment for this task. Remote outposts depend highly on these.

Deployable Items

Small/Large Blaster Platforms

Blasters are the most common type of weapon found in the Earth Alliance, and have been adapted and modified for countless decades. Blasters operate on a low-energy rule, meaning they are a perfect weapon of choice for intersteallar craft. Delivering leathal bursts of energy toward targets, Blasters are considered the mainstay of interstellar weaponry - But accuracy has always been a problem with these slow moving bursts.

Beam Platform

Beam technology has seen few advancedments since their initial creation, simply due to the high amount of energy a ship must produce inorder to fire them. Crystals mined from certain types of Asteroid belts are used to power Beams, however the market prices of these crystals have sky-rocketed, thus resulting in a decrease in the use of Beam Tech.

Cruise Platform

Cruise missiles are the most common type of missile used in the Alliance, and there is over ten different kinds, each designed to inflict maximum impact damage to their targets. Cruise missiles have guidance systems that even fighters have trouble dodging, hence why many large ships use them.

Non-Player Bases and Entities

Earth Alliance Deep Space Outpost

Deep Space Outposts are used purely for research, and are armed with powerful weaponry to protect that research.

Earth Alliance Sentry

Standard cheap sentry plaform, produced en-masse.

Maltu's Outpost

Large refueling outpost for Maltu Orion Legion ships. It's docking bay can only support fighter sized craft, however it is capable of remote repairing and fueling larger ships.

Maltu's Capital Sentry

The MOL Sentry is designed solely for bombardment of large targets. Using Ion cannon technology, this sentry will deal great damage to large targets.

Maltu's Storage Silo

This silo may contain any number of assets belonging to the Maltu Legion, however, this silo is designed to destroy its contents upon destruction, so few assets may survive.

Maltu's Asteroid Base

Secret labs are known to exist within the borders of Maltu space. These labs are often found inside huge asteroids, and while they are not capable of receiving any craft other than personnel transports - It is rumoured the labs are very large.

Other Entities

Abandoned Gemini Syndicate Temple
Leviathan Debris Field
Ancient Stargate
Asteroid Field
Mercenary Confederation Security Gate
The Expanse. Watch it!

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