Descent Mission Archive


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 uploaded by Sirius

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Screenshot for Orbis
Version 1.0
Authors Sirius
Players 3 – 6
Mode Multiplayer
Game Descent 1
Number of levels 1
Released 2000-11-04
Posted 2009-10-06 14:00:00
Updated 2009-10-06 14:00:00

Rating not rated
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Mission notes

One of the "0-zone" levels, a collection of about 20 multiplayer levels for D1, that was broken up into individual levels before release.

Orbis is one of the smaller levels from the group, and also one of the more sensible designs for multiplayer purposes. It has a respectable flow, with a mix of wider tunnels and narrower choke-points, but the presence of a dead end room at the top excludes it from consideration for competitive games.