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 uploaded by Sirius

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Screenshot for Vesta
Version 1.0
Authors Spaz
Players 4 – 8
Mode Multiplayer
Game Descent 1
Number of levels 1
Released 1996-04-19
Posted 2022-10-15 11:21:07
Updated 2022-10-15 11:21:07

Rating not rated
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Mission notes

(Release date dubious; taken from file timestamps)
Vesta is Spaz's 4th level by release order. Most likely built in DMB 0.9a beta. While not as heavily played as some of his later levels, Vesta has seen some popularity among the Descent Rangers as a larger free-for-all and team game level. It has enough weapons to scale to higher player counts, and a diverse set of spaces to give pilots of all types places in which to operate.