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Manic Mine

 uploaded by DarkEarthWolf

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Screenshot for Manic Mine
Version 1.0.1
Authors DarkEarthWolf
Players 1 – 8
Mode Singleplayer/co-op
Game Descent 2
Number of levels 1
Released 2021-11-23
Posted 2021-11-23 16:56:09
Updated 2021-11-24 20:16:08

Rating not rated
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Mission notes

A Baloris Prime level I worked on over the past few months, where you get a lot of weapons quickly but the robots are prepared. I hope you enjoy! Also supports 4-player coop and 8-player anarchy (all modes), though I cannot recommend robo-anarchy as in the beginning it is not very fair.

It is possible you will encounter the object limit early on, though I tried to minimize that possibility.